Tuesday 13 January 2009

Thinking of having a spring clean!?

I can't believe how quick last year was, ok so I went to Australia for most of December but at the moment it seems a bit of a blur. Can you think what you managed to achieve last year? at the moment I can't besides spending most of it studying. (yawn, yawn I hear you say).

Perth area is so lush, managed to see and swim with the wild dolphins in the ocean, stroke cute koala bears and kangaroo's with their joeys (I wish i could sit and cuddle them all day). Visit places which just wouldn't survive over here in the UK. Beaches are more practical and family friendly, by providing toilet blocks and barbecue areas all along the front. Ok the shops remind me abit of America more than here and obviously there isn't any Tesco or Asda over there but its more about communities.

I will have to upload some pictures so you can see what I am dreaming about......

Stay at home mums can actually spend time with the kids and enjoy other mums and families company. They have more freedom to go places and children do activities which are subsidised by the local government.

Well that is enough of me ranting.
D x

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